
Hi, I'm Brian Stone, a high energy, original singer songwriter known for engaging, entertaining performances of modern, high-energy folk music. Fun and lively, with masses of crowd participation. My catchy, original songs strike a chord with audiences of all ages.

"Brian Stone has got that magical ability to engage with audiences. It's that undefinable quality that sets great entertainers apart from competent musicians." - John Bownas (Promoter, Beautiful Days Festival) 

From the moment I hit the stage crowds are encouraged to get involved. My energy and sheer joy of performing are irresistibly infectious and the audience quickly feel part of the show. I'll take you on a journey through songs of joy, sadness, hope, love, piracy and partying, singing and dancing along the way. Here are a few after show comments:

"Brilliant. So charismatic, smiley, happy."
"So good I couldn't sit back down"
“I've never lost myself dancing to one man and a guitar before!”
“Beautifully crafted songs sung with heart and feeling.”
"Amazing Heartwarming Fun Energetic Passionate Kind"

After hundreds of festival appearances, I'm now commanding main stages and headline shows, consistently attracted large crowds, notably at Beautiful Days, where I built one of the largest Bandstand crowds one year, and at Bearded Theory, where my trio (Masters Of None) played to a capacity second stage in 2022.

My latest album "Fear The Flames" was released to a sell out crowd in April 2022 and follows debut album "Master Of None" (Review) and four live and studio EPs.

“With genuine stage presence, Brian Stone sings personal songs with universal themes that engage and entertain an audience” - Chad (Music House Acoustic Sessions)

A string of supporting roles for the likes of 3 Daft Monkeys, Ferocious Dog, The Leylines & Leatherat has seen me perform venues as large as the O2, Oxford. Whether in a small bar or on a big stage I always manage to relate with audiences and maintain that intimate connection.

In 2016 I joined forces with Jonny Wallis, lead singer of The Newcranes, and their infectious enthusiasm and obvious mutual enjoyment of working on stage together led to a popular double act, The Fox & The Pirate. Together we have toured and played many festivals as this highly entertaining duo.

Contact for more information or use the contact page.

“I have booked Brian Stone for all four Mac-Stock festivals since 2016. Brian's personality, charisma on stage and his ability to relate to any audience separates him from the wannabes. The audience love his wit, warmth and cannot resist his infectious call to dance and singalong with him. Book him; you won't regret it.” - Graham Parker, Curator Mac-Stock Music Festival